Odidia is an online multimedia platform developed by Joseph Lual Bak
About Joseph Lual Bak
Joseph Lual Bak is a South Sudanese computer prgrammer. He is a Dinka by tribe and a member of Pentecostal Church. He currently serves as a Pastor at Zion Pentecostal Church in Kuajok.
What you can do with your Odidia Account
When you have created your Odidia Account, you can apply to become an artist and start sharing your music online. As an artist, you can decide to sell your music or offer them freely.
While on Odidia, you can chat with others. You can upload your own speech. You can decide to hide your identity and start talking about any topic and nobody will identify you.
You can create forum or group and invite your agemates, schoolmates, workmates or other mates to discuss any topic of your interest.
It is possible now to host an online meeting on Odidia with the ability to share your screen.
You can play game and watch movies on Odidia.
You can offer job or apply for job on Odidia.
You can buy and sell on Odidia
Note: some features require you to subscribe in order to access them.