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  • 4 Comments 0 Shares 136 Views
  • The vision behind Odidia.
    Odidia is a new social media similar to Facebook & TikTok. It has some unique features such as voice notes sharing, files sharing, audio sharing, anonymous posting, profile visit notification, music upload & download and other social media features.
    Currently, I have paid a service provider to host Odidia for me.
    What I am planning is to buy my own Network and set up my servers at home.
    I always give Odidia some of my time to add some features and improve some parts.
    Some of my friends are requesting me to customize Odidia according to their needs such as Online Class. I am working on those features.
    You can now create your Odidia Account at
    Odidia is offering free and permanent blue tick for the first users only.
    The vision behind Odidia. Odidia is a new social media similar to Facebook & TikTok. It has some unique features such as voice notes sharing, files sharing, audio sharing, anonymous posting, profile visit notification, music upload & download and other social media features. Currently, I have paid a service provider to host Odidia for me. What I am planning is to buy my own Network and set up my servers at home. I always give Odidia some of my time to add some features and improve some parts. Some of my friends are requesting me to customize Odidia according to their needs such as Online Class. I am working on those features. You can now create your Odidia Account at Odidia is offering free and permanent blue tick for the first users only.
    Welcome to Odidia
    Share your memories, connect with others, make new friends
    0 Comments 1 Shares 1879 Views
  • Marriage competition
    Marriage competition
    0 Comments 0 Shares 411 Views
  • Koth Akoon says, "My children will be taken to my wife's family"
    Koth Akoon says, "My children will be taken to my wife's family" 😂🤣
    2 Comments 0 Shares 7205 Views 90
  • Manage your stress in eating, if they call you greedy, eat them too.
    Manage your stress in eating, if they call you greedy, eat them too.😎
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7486 Views
  • How do you call a man who has 2 wives but one child?
    How do you call a man who has 2 wives but one child?
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7422 Views
  • In this world there are two ways; your own way and the way of others.
    When you create your own way, make sure it is strong and powerful so that people will not challenge it.
    When you follow the way of others, make sure you follow it properly so that people will not say you are weak.
    In this world there are two ways; your own way and the way of others. When you create your own way, make sure it is strong and powerful so that people will not challenge it. When you follow the way of others, make sure you follow it properly so that people will not say you are weak.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 8933 Views
  • When you are recording voice notes, please speak in low volume.
    Enjoy your Odidia
    When you are recording voice notes, please speak in low volume. Enjoy your Odidia🤗
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6844 Views 2
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